Sunday, April 28, 2013

X is for....X words and Words With Friends

Once again, I'm late getting my post up. I've discovered that weekends are not a good time for blogging! I'm just too busy having fun!

Anyway, X is obviously a tough letter, so I headed for Google to see what x words were available. Lo and behold, at the very top of the search are all these sites for scrabble words! I have been playing Words With Friends for quite a while now and I had no idea these helpful sites existed! No wonder I never win. :)

So I'm that cheating? I know there are cheats available for Words with Friends because I have teenagers and they know how to get cheats for everything! I'm 'too bloody sporting' to download cheats, but is it cheating to look up X words? What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. No, not cheating at all. My goodness ... all those words we're expected to come up with ... I find it hard to believe there's anyone who hasn't taken that route yet. :)

    Silvia @ Silvia Writes


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