Friday, April 26, 2013

W is for...Write a Novel in a Week?

I was going through some tweets this morning and came upon an interesting article by Kathryn Kane about ugly duckling first drafts and writing a novel in a week. Okay, I've done Nanowrimo, which involves writing a novel in a month, and that's crazy enough. Writing a novel in a week? You know what? I like it!

I've been stuck in a writing wasteland for the past few months and this idea appeals to me. I think I can write an "ugly duckling draft" in a week. I have a novel that's been spinning around in my head for more than a year. Certainly I can get the bulk of it down on paper if I'm not worrying about perfection, right? And this is the perfect time to do it. The A to Z Challenge is almost over. The kids are still in school. We have no birthdays or other family events on the immediate horizon. The planets are aligned and I'm ready to write.

There is an official Book in a Week group, but they aren't accepting new members at the moment. So I'll go for it on my own...unless you'd like to join me? I'm going to begin this insane challenge on Wednesday, May 1st. The A to Z Challenge will be over and I like the idea of starting on the first day of the month. Post a comment or visit my contact page if you want to join me in one crazy week of writing! And yes, I just made this decision about ten minutes ago! That's the way I roll! :)


  1. I'm not a speed writer, so that's so not my thing.

  2. It might not be my thing either, but I'll give it a week. :) Mostly I just feel the need to jump start my writing and thought this would be fun?! lol

  3. I like the idea of trying to see what I could write in a week, but I'm not ready to do it quite yet. But good luck to you!

    It's been quite a month A-to-Zing, hasn't it? Like you, I'll be glad it's over. But it's been fun.

    1. Hi Cathy!
      Yes, it's been fun, but I'm definitely read to take a break! lol.

  4. Oooh - I wanna try! Thanks for the tip and link. New follower here. I'm stopping by from the "A to Z" challenge and I look forward to visiting again.


  5. Hi Sylvia,
    I see you're a fellow Texan! And I have a long-haired mini dachshund. :) Nice to meet you!

  6. A book in a WEEK??? That sounds like a recipe for (more or less instant) insanity!

    .....mind you, if I could just closet myself away and avoid housework, communicating with family members, TV (and the procrastination-inducing internet) may be I could just about do it.....

    ....OK - I'm in! ;-p

    Nice blog - just trying to catch a few more before the end of the A-Z!

    SueH I refuse to go quietly!

    Twitter - @Librarymaid

  7. Hi Sue,
    It's going to be a very messy draft! And yeah, my house will probably be a disaster afterwards! lol...I just checked out your site and I love it!

    1. Thank you! I must get back to regular writing - I love flash fiction memes!


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